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This page is for updates about Mara's big surgery in 2019. If you are looking for a way to help, go HERE.


This page was originally created to inform family and friends about Mara's progress while she was at MD Anderson. She rocked it, alright.

RECOVERY UPDATES from loved ones in Houston

April 29, 2019

The three sisters...Giovannina and Oriana supporting Mara and pictured here in a waiting room at MD Anderson for a follow-up visit.

Unfortunately, they had to leave to return to Seattle tonight. Oriana has been here since the night before surgery and Giovannina arrived for the last 5 days. Mara has more follow-up visits with doctors tomorrow. She is doing well....some days better than others.... overall, recovery is progressing well. Learning to live without a pancreas is a challenge but it is one that Mara is up to! We are living one day at a time.....thank you for being there.....


April 27, 2019

From Mara - Everything is better when your kids are here.

Mara's children are visiting Houston. Mara's doctors say that Mara needs to remain in Houston until May 8 for check-ups and guidance for living without a pancreas (insulin and enzyme support will be lifelong).

April 26, 2019

Happy Anniversary, Mara and Keith!

5:43 PM Mara healing in the butterfly garden at MD Anderson.

April 25, 2019

From Mara, "Got to go outside today for the first time in 7 days! The fresh air was wonderful." Pictured, Mara's mom, Angela, then sisters Giovannina (Mara), and Oriana.

"Cherishing my time with my sisters."

There have been inquiries about Mara's address in Houston. From today through May 8th, send snail mail to Mara at:

1612 Southmore Blvd. Houston, TX 77004


The day after surgery, Mara's sister Oriana's message was one of gratitude for all of the love and support the family felt. She said, "Ci tieni a galla" which means "you all keep us afloat." The Fulk Family is so grateful.

Mara has been discharged to a facility near the hospital. Her writing is HERE.

April 24, 2019

4:38 PM

From Angela, Mara's Mom -

"Mara is recovering well..some ups and downs due to figuring out being a diabetic type 1 now....incision healing ...still needs lots of medication...but thinking of discharging her to the Rotary house hotel attached to the hospital...It's exciting and scary at the same time for me...soooooo many medications and injections..to get used to.

Mara is ready and her surgical team gives her the go-ahead ...she will be close by for monitoring and checks and ongoing diabetic education. Wish her and all of us well..."

11:53 AM

Mara wants you to see the faces of the extraordinary team of surgeons who saved her life.

These photographs of Mara with her surgeons reminds me of a beautiful verse by a woman named Khandro that goes something like this, "We are a gathering of the kindnesses of others." And in the case of these extraordinary doctors, that kindness is also a gathering of brilliance and skill.
Mara with Dr. Roland, the lead surgeon at the Sarcoma Center, MD Anderson
Mara with the Team of Pancreas Surgeons
Mara with the entire Surgeon Team. AMAZING, incredible.
April 23, 2019
Mara writes about what is happening today, HERE.
April 22, 2019

An Easter Hello from the 24th Floor Observation Deck, MD Anderson - Mara, Mara's sister, Oriana, and Mara's Dad, Tim.

Mara with her Dad and Mom, Angela

April 21, 2019

Happy Easter...Mara gets some real food!!!

April 20, 2019

Happy Easter to all...

April 19, 2019 

5:15 PM - Beautiful, beautiful Mara. The recovery part of her journey will be another marathon, but as we've witnessed, Mara faces each step with a tender, wholehearted strength. The family gave permission to share this photograph. - Susan

1:11 PM - By conversation with Mara, "Removed tumor, 2200 grams. Complete pancreas and spleen removal. One-third of my stomach removed. Reconstruction of portal vein--did not have to use any fake veins, the tumor was stuck in only one spot, so used my existing veins.. A medical photographer photographed the tumor because it is so unusual. 2 of 4 surgeons said that they would not have been on board for this surgery if I had not been as healthy as I was in body and mind. I can tell that the work I did to prepare for the surgery is making a difference in my recovery. I walked twice today. My goal is 6 laps."

11:30 AM -  "Day 2. After BIG surgery...he G tube removed. Walking more laps around unit. Good spirits...Removed catheter...trying to sleep and wanting water is her big challenge (she can't have it, yet)...she is appreciative of so much support. Wonderful surgeons, doctors, and nurses and all personnel at MDA."

April 18, 2019

@6:30 PM - Mara says, "I woke up. All is well."

11:24 AM - “Believe it or not, Mara was up (with help) walked a lap around the PACU...did breathing exercises, sipped on ice chips, was alert (well, druggy alert) but cognizant of all going on around her, and now hoping to sleep some. Dr.Roland [her lead surgeon] visited and was so excited that they got the whole tumor out...and happy how well Mara is doing this morning. One hour at a time. Thank you all for your constant stream of love wishes.”

SURGERY UPDATES from loved ones in Houston

April 17, 2019

10:24 PM - From Keith Fulk: "MARA's Surgery was a huge success, they removed the entire tumor, reconstructed the portal vein but lost the pancreas ? Don't know if it is a partial or full loss?? More details tomorrow. The doctors were very happy! Please tell your friends and families and thank you for everything! We are in the Recovery Room with her."

7:18 PM - "Over 9 hours .....and DONE.....Mara in recovery...they will let us see her in an hour."

6:00 PM - "The vascular surgeon came out to talk to us...the portal vein is reconstructed and the tumor has been removed ...More work to be done..maybe another 3 hours...Mara still tolerating well. Thank you for sticking with us"

4:30 PM - "Latest update is Mara still doing well..vascular surgeon called in to work with portal vein...she's tolerating well..thank u all for being there and here for us all"

12:30 PM - "Surgery is proceeding...all her vitals good and she is tolerating surgery well...she brought in all your love with her..thank you for your closeness."